Past Future Perfect Tense memiliki pola yang sama
dengan pola Future Perfect Tense biasa, perbedaannya hanya pada Past nya saja.
Past future
perfect tense pada prinsipnya adalah pengungkapan kembali kejadian/aktivitas
yang dinyatakan dengan future perfect tense, yang keterangan waktunya telah
bergeser dari future time ke past time atau untuk ringkasnya Tense ini
digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa
atau kejadian yang akan telah
terjadi pada masa lampau jika syaratnya terpenuhi. Karena kedua tensis ini mirip, posting ini
menggunakan konsep dan contoh-contoh kalimat pada future perfect tense.
Perhatikan dan bandingkan perubahan predikat dan keterangan waktunya. Gunakan
analogi pada past future tense.
Bingung.... ?
Are you ready...? Let’s get started.
pikir Barcelona akan
mencetak tiga gol saat babak pertama usai. namun Mereka tidak mencetak satu gol pun, Karena lawan
yang mereka hadapi sangat tangguh
2. Ayah
direncanakan akan berada di rumah ketika Ibu melahirkan bulan lalu. Karena memiliki
masalah di keimegrasian, Ayah tidak jadi mendampingi ibu disaat
Penyelesaiannya :
I thought
Barcelona would have scored three goals when the first half was over. Because
its opponent was tough, however, it didn’t score even a single goal
My dad planned
that he would have been home when my mom gave birth last month. He didn’t make
it though because he had an immigration documentation problem
Formula :
Formula :
( + ) :
S + would + have + V3 + Object + Modifier
( - ) : S + would + not + have + V3 +
Object + Modifier
( ? ) :
Would + S + have + V3 + Object + Modifier
I. kalimat positif :
A. Untuk menyatakan kembali kejadian/aktivitas yang
pernah diprediksi atau direncanakan akan sudah terjadi/sudah selesai dilakukan
sebelum atau hingga batas waktu tertentu di masa lampau.
Pada umumnya,
tensis ini diawali oleh clause yang mengandung makna prediksi, ekspektasi atau
rencana. Verbs yang digunakan antara lain: think, hope, expect, plan, intend,
assume, etc.
1. I predicted
that by 3 p.m. yesterday, I would have finished reading this book.
2. I thought
Barcelona would have scored three goals when the first half was over. Because
its opponent was tough, however, it didn’t score even a single goal.
3. Because of the
terrible traffic we knew that dad’s plane would have already arrived by the
time we got to the airport yesterday.
4. My dad planned
that he would have been home when my mom gave birth last month. He didn’t make
it though because he had an immigration documentation problem.
5. I thought I
would have already fallen asleep by the time Joni got home last night. I don’t
know why I was still awake when he did.
Jika pada future perfect tense, time clause dinyatakan dalam simple present tense, pada tensis ini dinyatakan dengan simple past tense.
Jika pada future perfect tense, time clause dinyatakan dalam simple present tense, pada tensis ini dinyatakan dengan simple past tense.
when the first half was over (pada contoh 2),
by the time we got to the airport (pada contoh 3),
B. Untuk menyatakan kembali kegiatan/aktivitas yang pernah diprediksi atau direncanakan akan sudah terjadi/sudah selesai dilakukan sebelum kejadian/aktivitas yang lain di masa lampau.
B. Untuk menyatakan kembali kegiatan/aktivitas yang pernah diprediksi atau direncanakan akan sudah terjadi/sudah selesai dilakukan sebelum kejadian/aktivitas yang lain di masa lampau.
Dalam kategori
ini, kedua aktivitas dilakukan oleh subject yang sama. Coba bandingkan dengan
past perfect tense kategori kedua!
1. I assumed that
John would have traveled around the world before he got married last year.
2. She thought
that she would have read the entire book before she went to campus yesterday
3. I predicted
that I would already have had enough time to eat before I played badminton last
4. They thought he
would have already bought a gift before he went to his girlfriend’s birthday
party last night.
5. I once
predicted that he would have had more than 50 wives before he died. I was
wrong. He turned out to be a very loving husband long time before he died last
NB : already
bisa ditempatkan setelah would atau setelah have.
C. Untuk
menyatakan kembali bahwa kejadian/aktivitas akan terus terjadi/dilakukan sampai
batas waktu tertentu di masa lampau.
1. I thought I
would have been at school only for 6 hours yesterday. In fact, I had to wait
for another hour because my dad’s car broke down on the way to the school.
2. I was
completely sure that on August 17, I would have lived in this house for 10
years sharp.
3. I expected that
I would have slept for 8 hours last night but I was awoken by my neighbor’s
long big fight at 1 a.m. It was very loud and I couldn’t fall asleep till
4. It was
predicted that when Mr. Dodi retired last month, he would have worked for this
company for forty-five years.
5. She never expected
that she would have waited for her boyfriend for 2 hours last night.
D. Untuk membuat main clause unreal conditionals tipe 2, yaitu jika faktanya dalam past future tense atau simple past tense.
D. Untuk membuat main clause unreal conditionals tipe 2, yaitu jika faktanya dalam past future tense atau simple past tense.
Example :
1. If you had told
me about the today’s exam, I would have studied hard last night.
2. If you had not
passed the English I, you would not have been allowed to take the English II.
3. He wouldn’t
have got an accident, if he had not driven fast.
4. If my parents
hadn’t got divorced, I would’ve been much happier.
5. If I hadn’t got
a scholarship, I wouldn’t have been able to afford the school expenses.
II. Negative Form
S + would + not + have + V3 + object + modifier
1. Because of its
thickness, I knew that I would not have finished reading it by 3 p.m.
2. I never thought
that Barcelona wouldn’t have scored even a single goal when the first half was
3. We expected
that dad’s plane wouldn’t have arrived yet by the time we got to the air port
yesterday. But we were late because the traffic was so terrible.
4. Because of an
immigration documentation problem, my dad knew that he wouldn’t have been home
when my mom gave birth last month.
5. I hoped that
when Joni arrived home last night, I would not have fallen asleep yet.
6. I assumed that
John wouldn’t have traveled around the world before he got married last year.
7. She thought
that she wouldn’t have read the entire book before she went to campus yesterday
8. I predicted
that I wouldn’t have had enough time to eat before I played badminton last
9. They thought he
wouldn’t have bought a gift before he went to his girlfriend’s birthday party
last night.
10. I once predicted that he wouldn’t have had more
than 50 wives before he died.
11. I thought I wouldn’t have been at school for 7
hours yesterday.
12.I was completely sure that on August 17, I wouldn’t
have lived in this house for 10 years yet.
13.I expected that I wouldn’t have slept for 4 hours
last night.
14.It was predicted that when Mr. Dodi retired last
month, he wouldn’t have worked for this company for fifty years.
15.She expected that she wouldn’t have waited for her
boyfriend for 2 hours last night.
Yes/No Questions
Formula :
Would + subject
+ have + verb3 + object + modifier?
1. If I had told
you about the today’s exam, would you have studied hard last night ? (Jika saya
telah beri tahu kamu bahwa ada ujian hari ini, apakah kamu akan telah belajar
keras tadi malam ? )
2. Would you have
been allowed to take the English II if you had not passed the English I ?
3. Would he have
got an accident if he had not driven fast ?
4. If your parents
hadn’t got divorced, would you have been much happier ?
5. If you hadn’t
got a scholarship, would you have been able to afford the school expenses ?
6. you have
finished reading this book by 3 p.m. yesterday if it were thinner ?
7. Would Barcelona
have scored three goals when the first half was over if its opponent had been
Indonesian team ?
8. If the traffic
hadn’t been terrible, would dad’s plane have arrived after you got to the
airport ?
9. Would he have
been home when your mom gave birth last month if he hadn’t had an immigration
documentation problem ?
Kalimat tanya dari tensis ini pada umumnya berupa conditional sentence seperti terlihat pada contoh-contoh di atas. Sekarang, coba bandingkan dengan cara berikut:
Example :
1. Did you assume
that John would have traveled around the world before he got married last year
2. Did you predict
that she would have read the entire book before she went to campus yesterday
afternoon ?
3. Did I predict
that I wouldn’t have had enough time to eat before I played badminton last night
4. Did they think
that he would have bought a gift before he went to his girlfriend’s birthday
party last night ?
5. Did you predict
that he would have had more than 50
wives before he died ?
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